Wednesday, November 26, 2008

SMS Friendship Funny

A Good Friend Is Like A Light House
It Doesn’t Ring Bells, Fire Guns To Call Attention
When You Are Lost …It Simply Stands Tall And Shines …

Friendship is like playing on seesaw, not only because its always fun with u…but also because i wouldn’t mind going down to see u rise…

TrUe FrIeNdS aRe LiKe MoRnInGs,
YoU cAn’T hAvE tHeM tHe WhOlE dAy
BuT YoU cAn bE sUrE
tHeY wIlL bE dErE wHeN yOu WaKe Up,ToMoRoW, NxT yEaR n 4eVeR

I’ve made so many mistakes in my life,
but something I did right was to have you as a friend
and I definitely wont make another mistake
of losing someone like you.


My heart’s like an open book,
it depends on how u read me.
Don”t judge me by my cover..
Look in and discover..
i will be ur True friend
for ever…


Words begin with ….A….B….C….Number begin with….1….2….3….Music begin with….SA….RE….GA….BUT….? FRIENDSHIP begins with….”You&Me”


I don’t remember where we met,
or how or when or why.
I only knew that when we did
I found in you a “Friend.”

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